Podcast #24 Meeting a Friend

There is always something so wonderful about meeting a good friend. It doesn't matter if we saw our friend recently or a very long time ago, we connect heart to heart, mind to mind, and begin this new day, this new moment, once again renewing our friendship. With no friends, what is life?
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Podcast # 23 - Souvenir Shop, Stanley Park, Vancouver

In popular tourist cities, like Vancouver in British Columbia, Canada, it's sometimes very difficult to distinguish between who is a tourist and who is a local resident. Sometimes a tourist will be from a different part of the country. Sometimes a local resident will know very little about his or her city e.g. directions, tourist sites, and restaurants. And in this podcast situation of a relaxed, casual environment, we may not know who is a shop worker, a local resident or a tourist. Actually, this confusion may turn out to be an opportunity to meet new people...and that's part of the fun in traveling!
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Podcast #22 in a Hotel Room, a knock

This particular podcast may sound like the opening of a thriller story. Actually, it's not unusual to have an unknown person knock on your hotel room. Of course it could be one of the hotel personnel delivering a message, a gift from a friend, or food and other items that you may or may not have ordered. If in doubt, call the main desk or concierge in the hotel lobby and verify why the mystery person is outside your door. There's no problem in being cautious, but also don't be too concerned about a drama about to unfold. Relax and enjoy.
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Podcast #21 at the Office of Tourism in Los Angeles

Traveling along the California coast is such a wonderfully delightful experience. Fortunately, if you take the Amtrak train, parts of the ride go next to the beautiful sea on your left side and stunning rock cliffs and forests on your right side. Other parts of the trip go through miles and miles of vast farmlands of almonds, avocados, citrus trees and just about any vegetable you might be familiar with. Regarding a bus trip, it's very fast and convenient from L.A. to San Francisco as it takes the main highway northward. Of course if time is a factor, you'd be best served by taking a plane. Enjoy this fun trip!!
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Podcast #20 Telephone, Restaurant Reservation

Often it's a good idea to inquire at popular restaurants about their reservation policy. Some restaurants absolutely require it, others will not take any reservations, and some will take your reservation if you like. You might also have special requests e.g. no-smoking (although in the USA commonly there is no-smoking in the restaurants), near a window, at the counter, in a quiet area, or no garlic, among others that might be unique to you and your guest(s). Good atmosphere, good food, and good company - that's always the best!!
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Podcast #19 Ticket Counter at the Cinema

Through-out the States, Europe and Japan students are given ticket discounts in a variety of entertainment venues. The availability of a discount will depend entirely on the company that is offering the service. It's worth asking. It could mean more money in your pocket, and a bigger smile on your face. In speaking of faces, for ticket discounts, often you will need at least 2 different kinds of ID (identification), with one of the IDs showing your wonderful face. Hopefully your photo has captured your positive nature!
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Podcast #18 At Sydney Beach

Many times, along the boardwalk of beaches, you will find vendors selling gadgets, jewelry, clothing, paintings, perfumes, soaps, CDs, DVDs, along with a vast variety of creative items. Some are hand-made originals, others may be illegal copies of well-known brands. Sometimes you can find a good deal and bargain with the seller for a lower price. It's all part of the festive, fun, and entertaining environment of being at the beach.
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Podcast #17 With a Doctor

Hopefully you will not find yourself in the unfortunate situation of becoming ill in a foreign country. First of all, make sure you have purchased some form of travel health insurance. Check your insurance policy: does it cover doctor fees, medicine, accidents, surgery, hospital care, ambulance? You must decide what your potential health care needs will be. Some countries will not allow you to see a doctor or visit a hospital unless you have health insurance or proof that you can pay. Please check this before you travel. A good way to check for available medical services is through your embassy in the country of your destination. Stay healthy! Stay happy!
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