Podcast # 46 Hotel Problems

The quality of hotel conditions and services varies tremendously from country to country, culture to culture, and within each city. It takes a lot of personal research, recommendations from friends, and sometimes luck that determines how you will be served. As you are the one paying for the hotel service you have the right to be provided with adequate and comfortable services. Of course, you should read the hotel policies as it might tell you such information as, "There will be no hot water this week due to construction" or "We change towels once every two days", and so on. After looking at any special conditions such as these, and checking one of the open rooms, along with the price including taxes, then you can decide if the hotel is the right choice for you. Be a wise traveler.
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Podcast #45 General Information

Internet cafes have changed with the times, many being chic environments where the international traveler can relax in comfort. Many internet cafes, in the States, Europe and parts of Asia, offer a variety of beverages, healthy sandwiches and desserts, upbeat music and comfortable chairs. This provides you with an environment for slowly taking your time while sending those important messages to your business associates or, maybe of more concern, to your loved ones, along with booking online your next appointment, hotel or airline. It's a lively place to talk with new friends, and connect with old friends online.
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Podcast # 44 Entertainment 2

If you have never gone to a NYC Broadway musical, I strongly recommend it. The style of acting is strong, energized, and hits your emotional center. Often there will be singing and dancing to support the score (theme or plot) and to entertain the audience. It's a experience that will delight you and give you a long time joyful memory.
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Podcast #43 Entertainment 1

When visiting large or small cities around the world you might find it interesting and fascinating to see professional performances by the local people. You may find yourself enchanted by authentic flamengo dancing, American Indian dance rituals, Chinese opera, Russian ballet, the Czech puppet theatre or even a rock concert. You can usually find these artistic events through the local tourist centers which will also aid you in how to purchase tickets. Open your mind to the infinite forms of creativity that flourishes in our world.
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Podcast #42 Exercise 2

Though traveling can be so exciting, at times, it can also be exhausting. This can be due to eating unhealthy food, too long sitting in the same position as in a car, bus, or plane, moving through time zones, and lack of exercise. Even when tired or jet lagged, it's often a good idea to do some exercises in the form of stretching, brisk walks, playing sports or even deep breathing. All of these will energize you, give you a better sleep at night, and help to keep you healthy. And maybe most importantly, it can be a lot of fun.
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Podcast #41 Exercise 1 (friends)

It's the dream of so many people to swim with dolphins. Dolphins are known for their friendliness, high intelligence and, at times, protectors of people who are in danger while in the sea. Much has been written about physically and mentally challenged people who have found comfort, and some report healing, from swimming with these gentle, playful mammals of the sea. Maybe you too will find a dolphin companion!
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Podcast #40 Transportation 2

One of the best ways to travel around Europe is by a Euro Rail Pass, also known as the Eurail Pass. It's a fairly quiet and relaxing way to see a variety of landscapes through-out Europe that would be completely unavailable to you if you flew. If you intend to do a lot of traveling in Europe, for convenience, low cost and stress free traveling, the Euro Rail Pass might be a good choice for you.
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Podcast #39 Transportation 1

Often when traveling, people are without transportation because the route or ticketing system is too confusing, too expensive, or maybe there's little public transportation available in the area where you are staying. In that case, be as free as the wind, and rent a motor bike! It's usually cheap, fun and very convenient. Give it a try and you'll be able to explore unknown areas that will surprise and delight you.
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