Podcast #20 Telephone, Restaurant Reservation

Often it's a good idea to inquire at popular restaurants about their reservation policy. Some restaurants absolutely require it, others will not take any reservations, and some will take your reservation if you like. You might also have special requests e.g. no-smoking (although in the USA commonly there is no-smoking in the restaurants), near a window, at the counter, in a quiet area, or no garlic, among others that might be unique to you and your guest(s). Good atmosphere, good food, and good company - that's always the best!!
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Podcast #19 Ticket Counter at the Cinema

Through-out the States, Europe and Japan students are given ticket discounts in a variety of entertainment venues. The availability of a discount will depend entirely on the company that is offering the service. It's worth asking. It could mean more money in your pocket, and a bigger smile on your face. In speaking of faces, for ticket discounts, often you will need at least 2 different kinds of ID (identification), with one of the IDs showing your wonderful face. Hopefully your photo has captured your positive nature!
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Podcast #18 At Sydney Beach

Many times, along the boardwalk of beaches, you will find vendors selling gadgets, jewelry, clothing, paintings, perfumes, soaps, CDs, DVDs, along with a vast variety of creative items. Some are hand-made originals, others may be illegal copies of well-known brands. Sometimes you can find a good deal and bargain with the seller for a lower price. It's all part of the festive, fun, and entertaining environment of being at the beach.
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Podcast #17 With a Doctor

Hopefully you will not find yourself in the unfortunate situation of becoming ill in a foreign country. First of all, make sure you have purchased some form of travel health insurance. Check your insurance policy: does it cover doctor fees, medicine, accidents, surgery, hospital care, ambulance? You must decide what your potential health care needs will be. Some countries will not allow you to see a doctor or visit a hospital unless you have health insurance or proof that you can pay. Please check this before you travel. A good way to check for available medical services is through your embassy in the country of your destination. Stay healthy! Stay happy!
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Podcast #16 at the Reception Desk of a Hotel

Making a hotel reservation is quite simple. It can be done through a travel agent, calling the hotel directly, or by yourself through on-line internet booking. On-line booking is often the cheapest. When appearing at the hotel, go to the reception desk, show your confirmation number and personal identification, and you're finished. Depending on the arrangement, if you are paying in cash, as is sometimes the hotel policy, a hotel may ask you to pay the full amount upon checking-in. Most hotels though will take your credit card number first and the total amount will be charged to your credit card account when you check-out. Please ask about the hotel's payment policy BEFORE you check-in!
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Podcast #15 at the Cafe

Most cafes and restaurants in the United States accept personal checks, credit cards and cash. Outside of the U.S. few cafes and restaurants accept checks, although some large international hotels may accept a check accompanied by 2 pieces of identification. Unless you are in a remote area in any country, or in a financially poor country, credit cards and cash will be accepted. U.S. dollars are accepted in many countries, along with the Japanese yen through-out large cities of Asia, and of course, the euro through-out Europe.
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Podcast #14 Looking for an internet cafe

Internet cafes can now be found in most north American and European cities, and the larger cities in the rest of the world. Often they are located near cafes and coffee shops. If you look around you can usually find internet cafes offering very good service for a low online fee. Unless your wallet is full, or it's an emergency, avoid hotel internet services as their fees tend to be outrageously high!
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Podcast #13 Men's Clothing-Department store

These days, when buying clothing, the service you receive can vary tremendously - from a clerk suggesting styles, colors, materials and the right fit for you to absolutely no assistance whereby you help yourself then bring the clothing to the cashier counter. If you want to save money, the "do it yourself" store may be for you.
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Podcast #12 Language Pronunciation

All languages borrow words from other languages. Seldom though is the pronunciation "exactly" the same. It's fun though, when in another country, to recognize a word that's taken from your home country's language. Often the meaning will be the same as you are familiar with, but sometimes there's a slightly different feeling or understanding of what the word implies. This small change in meaning, when you use this word may lead to good natured humor among the local people. That's okay, have fun with it!
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Podcast #11 In a Bar Restaurant

Restaurants the world over, commonly would like you to buy an alcoholic beverage prior to or accompanying your meal. Of course this assumes that your age is at least the minimum drinking age for that country. Some countries allow drinking at any age. Some countries allow no drinking anywhere. For most countries though, the minimum age varies between 18 and 21. Although most restaurants usually make a good profit from selling alcoholic beverages, do not feel that you must purchase a beverage of any kind, or wine bottle (in the case of this podcast). Often a glass of water might be fine for you. Enjoy your dining experience in the way that suits you.
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