Podcast # 34 in Sydney

Vegetarianism is sometimes like a trend. Periodically, there is a flurry of media articles about its history and the multiple health benefits from becoming a vegetarian. Many people try it, and then many people stop, and then try it again, and the cycle continues. Often economic development brings with it an increase in meat consumption. Per capita, the Japanese are eating more meat each year and less rice. In the States, there is the opposite consumption trend of less meat, and more rice, fish and vegetables. The Australians have an old tradition of eating Kangaroo. It's not everyone's choice for a meat dish, but as a novelty food, many will eat it from time to time. Enjoy your dinner(maybe???)
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Podcast # 33 in San Francisco

Most people know that the Hawaiian Islands are filled with Japanese; a combination of tourists and multi-generational families whose ancestors arrived during the 1800s. You might be surprised that the west coast of the States, especially in Seattle, Los Angeles, and San Francisco all have large, thriving Japanese communities. Take the time to visit San Francisco with its attractive urban architecture, healthy California cuisine restaurants, music, dance and theatre. It's a city bursting with creativity. And for the Japanese restaurants, at least in San Francisco, you will find delightful true Japanese food, with a tasty California twist. Enjoy!!
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