Podcast #18 At Sydney Beach

Many times, along the boardwalk of beaches, you will find vendors selling gadgets, jewelry, clothing, paintings, perfumes, soaps, CDs, DVDs, along with a vast variety of creative items. Some are hand-made originals, others may be illegal copies of well-known brands. Sometimes you can find a good deal and bargain with the seller for a lower price. It's all part of the festive, fun, and entertaining environment of being at the beach.
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Podcast #17 With a Doctor

Hopefully you will not find yourself in the unfortunate situation of becoming ill in a foreign country. First of all, make sure you have purchased some form of travel health insurance. Check your insurance policy: does it cover doctor fees, medicine, accidents, surgery, hospital care, ambulance? You must decide what your potential health care needs will be. Some countries will not allow you to see a doctor or visit a hospital unless you have health insurance or proof that you can pay. Please check this before you travel. A good way to check for available medical services is through your embassy in the country of your destination. Stay healthy! Stay happy!
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