Podcast #20 Telephone, Restaurant Reservation

Often it's a good idea to inquire at popular restaurants about their reservation policy. Some restaurants absolutely require it, others will not take any reservations, and some will take your reservation if you like. You might also have special requests e.g. no-smoking (although in the USA commonly there is no-smoking in the restaurants), near a window, at the counter, in a quiet area, or no garlic, among others that might be unique to you and your guest(s). Good atmosphere, good food, and good company - that's always the best!!
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Podcast #19 Ticket Counter at the Cinema

Through-out the States, Europe and Japan students are given ticket discounts in a variety of entertainment venues. The availability of a discount will depend entirely on the company that is offering the service. It's worth asking. It could mean more money in your pocket, and a bigger smile on your face. In speaking of faces, for ticket discounts, often you will need at least 2 different kinds of ID (identification), with one of the IDs showing your wonderful face. Hopefully your photo has captured your positive nature!
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